Thursday, September 26, 2013

10th donation!

Finally, I donated for the 10th time on 16 Sep! I was rejected two weeks before because of low haemoglobin level of 12.4 g/dl (should be at least 12.5 g/dl). I had to take iron supplement for two weeks before I could try again.

Many ask, is the process scary?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Have you loved your neighbour as yourself?

One day during lunch time, my soon-to-be-ex-colleague told me his story when he's travelling in Bangkok. He went to a famous street market in Bangkok, unfortunately I forgot the name, with his mom. Of course, you have to bargain if you are at a market in South East Asia (except Singapore I guess), he is no exception. He went around shops, asking for the price of things he didn't even need, but just for the sake of buying cheap stuff.

He stopped at one shop to ask the price of a merchandise. From where he stood, he could only look the back of the long-haired shopkeeper. He was so surprised when the shopkeeper with a female feature answered him with a bass voice. He immediately left the shop with his mom and giggled after they were out of the shopkeeper's earshot.

His comment after telling his story was what appalled me the most. "If I had known that the shopkeeper is a transvestite, I would've avoided his shop!", he said with a disgusted tone.

Everybody knows Thailand is famous for not only for their food, but also for their.. ehm.. extraordinary people (read: transvestites, transgenders, transexuals, whatever you name them). They are everywhere. Thailand has also become the go-to-country if you want to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Some transgenders are very pretty you can't even differ them from the real females, but some not so. Tourists often get deceived by their appearance.

But are they SO different from other human beings, that you need to treat them like they are less than a human being?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Thanks so much!

This month has just started for two weeks, but a lot of good things have come to me one after another. I just can't say enough thank you's to You who makes this possible.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Look closely

I thought the camera was just panning to get the effect of the tree moving. Turns out they were swallowed by the sinkhole. Ha. Talk about peculiar things happening around the world.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How long do you need to work to buy one Big Mac?

Unfortunately, it's not applicable to Singapore since there is no minimum wage per hour set by Singapore Government. In Indonesia, people need to work 5.9 hours to be able to buy one Big Mac.

Nexcare Acne Patch

Time for another beauty product review.

Last week, I had this extra large pimple on my forehead. Just after I thought to myself, "Good, now I have less pimples on my forehead". Then I got one. Big time. Literally.

It was so red and huge that my sis told me to just cover it up with acne patch. But I didn't have one. So I temporarily covered it with band-aid, cut into small piece, until I bought a proper acne patch.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Teachers' Day

I didn't know the existence of this day until I become a tutor. Hadn't my student congratulated me, I would've never known about Teachers' Day.

Last year, I received one congratulatory note from my beloved tutee.

This year, she gave me a box of chocolate. And two others gave me a cute bell and a flower. I'm touched :') Thank you!!!!

I promise I will become a better tutor for you all!!