Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Toba trip!

yeah, on 8-11 Dec we went to lake toba for a short getaway. and an additional agenda: celebrating my birthday.

it was a great one, i received 3 cakes! by far, it's the most cakes i received on my birthday. hahaha

i love the view at samosir island, it's so greeennnn and soooooo tranquil. feels like in LOTR set. hahaha. it turns out i don't need to go to new zealand to get "almost the same" view in LOTR :p here are some of the snapshots

The lake is sooo huge, i think it's normal for ppl long ago to misunderstand it as a sea. it's pretty clean, considering the standard of cleanliness in indo haha.. at least at the samosir side. from the parapat side, it's not so clean after all.

because we passed by sunday during our trip, we went to HKBP church, per my friend's suggestion. the sermon was conducted all in Batak language, from the start to the end. i can guess some of it, luckily hahaa. and the church member made an effort to read Bible passage in English for us, thinking we can't speak Indo :p appreciate the effort though hehe.

oh! and because it's near christmas, they started to have some choir performances. Batak ppl are famous for their nice voice, and turns out it's true! too bad the video i recorded was not so good in quality, so i won't upload it haha.

 and here are more views on beautiful lake toba! and samosir island!

King Sidabutar was one of the famous three Kings in Samosir island. other than that, i don't really know the history of King Sidabutar, because there is no local tour guide to give us a bit of historic explanation about him :(

nah, this one is a picture of a "round table" where the past ruler (one of the three famous Kings, i forgot his name..) and his advisers judged a criminal. the house in the backgournd is the traditional Batak house. only the house of the Ruler has a bull's head hanging on the door frame. underneath the porch, there's a prison where the criminal was jailed for one week. on the left of the so called "round table" was a huge tree where they consulted with the spirits.

during that time, only 3 crimes were considered worthy of prison sentence.
  1. sex offenders (rape, etc)
  2. murders
  3. false testimonies
the sentence for petty crimes such as thefts were not so severe, the criminal would only be subjected to slavery for a certain period of time. whereas those who committed the 3 above crimes would be jailed for one week and executed. usually, the criminals had supernatural abilities which would make them difficult to be killed, BUT on certain day they were weak. for that reason they were jailed for one week to let the rulers know which day was his weakness day. after consulting with the spirits and reached an agreement, they would execute the criminal on the day when he's weak.

throughout the prison sentence until the execution, the criminals were treated like animals. the location of the prison was on the same level as the shed for flocks, which was underneath the main house.

on the execution day, the criminal was laid on his back on a stone. then the executioner/priest will cut his skin to test whether his supernatural power was still there or not. after they're sure his power was no longer present, the executioner beheaded him. after beheading him, the criminal's heart and liver were taken and eaten, just like they ate animals'. according to the tour guide, they no longer viewed it as cannibalism, because they had treated the criminal just like animals because of his crime. the criminal's body would be thrown to the lake and his head would be thrown to the forest. for one week, the villagers were not allowed to fish on the lake to avoid contamination by the criminal's remaining black magic / supernatural abilities.

the execution MUST succeed. failure would lead to the execution of the executioner, by beheading him. that's why it's important to make sure the criminal's power was no longer there to protect him from death.

this was practiced until Nomensen came. when he came, no black magic worked on him. because of that, Batak ppl were saved and since then on they worshiped God. great is our God!

okay, that's a bit of history on the 2nd King we visit. i found it pretty interesting haha. i'm looking forward to our next getaway!!!! i'm bored of singapore  ㅠ.ㅠ

Friday, December 21, 2012


yesterday, smt stupid happened hahaha

*wanna open blog site to update
me: (thinking in my head) "eh.. mm.. harr... what's the web address of my blog???"
*searching google to find my own blog.. and can't find it @.@

lucky chrome now can sign in to your google account, and on the top bar in the google search, you can click "blogger" to access your blog. lalalalala...

*stupidd... muahahhaha

and there's an anomaly i realized lately.

one morning, my sis woke up late and i gotta put in all the clothes i hung outside the previous night. i was thinking, for sure i'd be late. only to find that i finished showering way earlier than usual and still reached office early.

another morning, i woke up and finished showering as usual, thinking i'd be able to reach office on time. only to find i reached office late.

and i don't know the reason why.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


A video testimonial a friend of mine shared last month:

click here

When it seems all hope is failing
And alone you are standing
Keep persevering
For it might be
His mercies in disguise