Tuesday, July 24, 2012

taxi.. taxi..

just read a post about taxi drivers in singapore in facebook. and i agreed with most of the content. and i want to share my experience as well haha.

my previous job required me to travel a lot w/ taxi. so.. hello taxi uncles... and hello funny problems.

it was the first time i realize they always ask which way i want to go. i'm a foreigner. and i'm a woman. so i didn't really give a damn about roads at first. and which way to go? harrr.. like i care. as long as it's fast and cheap of course! (and that was always my answer to the taxi drivers, haha). and that "like i care" attitude gave me problems in the end haha. getting lost. and wasted time. and felt dumb cos it seemed like i can't tell my destination properly to the taxi driver.

since i've just changed my phone to iphone 4 that time, i felt safe. i can just show the location i wanted to go on the map, and even show the taxi drivers the direction if needed.

i didn't really get annoyed with them not knowing the way. but i had a big problem w/ their driving skills and during the "change shift" time.. anyway, in the end, i gained skill. in reading maps. hahaha.. and now i recognized most roads in singapore, mostly in CBD area.

one time i had an interesting talk with a taxi uncle. i remembered i commented about how hard it was to get a taxi during "change shift" time. i remembered the conversation took place after my late meeting in orchard, which ended at 930 pm (i left first before the meeting really ended hahaha).

the taxi driver agreed with me. he commented that all those taxi drivers were lazy drivers. some of them only pretended to change shift, he said. so that he didn't have to drive around too much and still in the high demand area. sure a smart way to get money fast, but annoys the customers.

but he was different. because he doesn't have to share his taxi, he can arrange his work time flexibly. he came out super early to drive the workers to work. and he told me that he shifted his meal time slightly so that he can catch the high demand period. he has his lunch later so that he can serve those workers who comes out for and comes back from lunch. and he has his dinner even later so that he can drive those overtime workers home. at around 4pm (change shift period), he doesn't change shift so that he can get more passengers. he works more than 12 hours a day. and he drives well. i didn't get carsick. and from him i knew more or less about taxi business :p

i don't know whether he was only bragging or not. but i hope all taxi drivers here in singapore were just like him who's really dedicated to his job. manse!

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