Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Tribute to You, My Beloved Companion...

Oh how we have been together for the past 7 years, shared our special moments together; the sweet, plain and bitter life throughout all these years.

Not even once you betrayed me. 

My faithful friend, I will never forget our memories together. I keep them close to my heart.

Thank you for always being there for me, every day, without failing, even during the darkest night and the earliest morning of my life.

You will forever be my most precious...



  1. ipungggg... ga penting ahhhh... lg nganggur ta? piye kerjaan baru?

    1. wakakaka... ga jg sih, mumpung lg inget ae cepet2 tulis.

      masi blm banyak yg mesti dikerjain, jd masi isa sante2 haha.. paling tar klo ud bener2 ngerjain project, baru repot..
