Lesson of this week: being patient is good, but being toooo patient is not good :)
last sunday sermon was interesting. actually it's about mary and martha, again.. but.. dunno why this time it's more interesting. issit bcos finally i paid attention? :P
so.. the main point about the sermon was.. dun ever forget what the best thing in the world is!!
...and what is that? it's... (drumroll...) our relationship with God.
a lot of times we act like martha.. busy w/ our role in servicing the Lord, but in the end neglecting our relationship w/ God.. it's like buying gifts, food, and sing to make your boyfriend happy, but forget to communicate w/ your boyfriend to maintain the relationship. get it? hahaha.. hope you get it :P
there are 3 points given during the sermon
1. Our God is the God of relationship
...that is why we have to keep our focus in the relationship! not in expressing our relationship to God! in other words... pelayanan penting, tp jangan sampe lupa sama yg dilayanin :P
Christianity is all about God seeking humans, not humans seeking God. and that's because the nature of God is love (John 3:16, Romans 5:8)
and the nature of love... is always reaching out, not asking what we can get from the relationship. when His love dwells in us, we will interact with others in Godly ways (1 John 3:16)
2. our service should be the outward expression of our relationship w/ God
.. don't be too "lebay" in our expression... pacar kan jg ga suka klo ekspresi sayang kita berlebihan, apalagi saking serunya berekspresi, sampe lupa ngurusin hubungan sama pacar :P
true service does not expect a reward from others because we do it as a gratitude of what God has done to our lives.
3. worship is the most intimate form of relationship
worship is a total abandonment to Jesus that will cause the aroma of His presence to fill our house (John 12:3)
the most important thing is.... Jesus is the best in life!! hehehe..
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